Sunday, August 19, 2012


This is my sister.

For the sake of being fair...

here she is again.

 I have to be honest though... the first picture is a better representation of my ding-bat, sweet lovely sister Sarah. 

Guess what? 

I got more. This, too - is my sister. 

We have a tradition that involves birthdays and very odd hats. More on that on a later date. Maybe. 

Again, it's necessary to be diplomatic...

This is Olivia. She's on the right. 

She also answers to Sweetums, Peanut and, like most of us - Ding-bat. We all answer to that one. 

Hey, want to know something cool? 

I'm not done. 

There's more....

Get a load of that eyebrow. 

Here she is again...

This is Leah. Leah is a doll-baby. 

I can't tell you enough how thankful I am for my sweet, crazy, loving sisters. 

They are precious. 

They're my friends and my comrades.

They take silly to a whole new level, reference the above images...

I would say they're graceful but Sarah is recovering from a torn ACL because she decided to try ball like the Harlem Globetrotters, Olivia somehow coerced a folding chair into collapsing onto her finger which put her and her mangled hand in the hospital and I'm pretty sure if all of the members of my family got a nickel for every time Leah stepped on our feet we would be sittin' pretty within a 36 hour span. 

 Loving? Yes. Graceful? Not a quality we can claim. 

The only black eye I've ever had was self-inflicted. I walked into a pile of concrete reinforcement bars. 

My sisters giggle with me and cry with me. 

 I'm thankful for my sisters.

Random fact, I changed the diapers of the last two. Thankfully I've been spared the experience of changing my older sisters diaper.

So far. 

 She may get old and senile and require some attention one day, but I'm counting on being too far gone to be of any use.  Lord willing. 

There are two brothers smooshed between all this estrogen, they'll get some attention later, but for now - can I get an amen for the blessing of sisters? 

- Rae 

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