Monday, July 16, 2012

Weekend Re-cap, Oh My.

Here's the long and the short of it...I got hit with a variety of things this weekend, namely an overwhelming amount of peaches that needed to be peeled, sliced, and then either frozen, preserved or canned. A bright spot on this weekend (and this whole week for that matter) is that one of my best friends is visiting from Colorado, and secondly my sister is celebrating her 1 year marriage anniversary. Two wins.
There always has to be a balance...and I guess I was just having too much fun this weekend so in order to maintain the natural order of things it was necessary for me to come down with an unfortunate 24 hour bug of some sort (I am currently an incubus of viral plague). When all was said and done - the chair tutorial I promised had to be put on a back burner for a while. 

So I'll just share a little bit of what did happen this weekend in spite of the failed tutorial...

Canning is really labor intensive, I'm a newbie and it took me forever. My kitchen also looked like it got nailed by a howitzer by the time I was finished.

There's a place in Fort Payne, Alabama called Little River Canyon. It's sort of a summer tradition of ours to throw some towels in the car and go, and it's a blast every single time. 

<welcome, grainy cell phone pictures>

I hope your weekend was great!

Over and Out,



  1. Raebellina- that is a TON of peaches. Did you go peach picking? Do you normally find yourself with that many peaches?! I hope you're feeling 100% again :)

  2. It was a TON - it seriously took me 10 hours to can or freeze all of those things. They came off the peach tree beside my house so it wasn't like I had the ability to cap off how much the tree produced and I couldn't justify wasting them. We were seriously overrun by Thanks for the well wishes :) I'm on the upswing already.
